ZO Complexion Clarifying Serum: Your Stress Awareness Month Saviour - NG Skin Clinic

ZO Complexion Clarifying Serum: Your Stress Awareness Month Saviour

If you’re feeling stressed out, then April is dedicated to you and your wellness. Since 1992, April has been ‘Stress Awareness Month’, labelled as such to raise awareness of the modern-day stress epidemic that we all face. Our lifestyles have changed drastically over the years, leaving many of us feeling more stressed than we know how to manage. The result? Well, it shows in our skin.

How does stress really affect the skin?

Your skincare routine plays a vital role in helping to visually manage stress and ensure that it doesn’t contribute too heavily to our complexion.

Studies show that both acute and chronic stress can exert negative effects on overall skin wellness, as well as aggravate a number of skin conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

Psychological stress can also disrupt our epidermal barrier. If this top layer of the skin becomes irritated then its ability to lock in moisture, fight off harmful microbes and resist the affect of wounds can all become compromised.

Even the simplest of stress reactions such as excessive perspiration can have a negative impact on our skin, for example by increasing congestion and worsening acne flares.

And it doesn’t stop there, stress impacts our hair growth too.

The negative effects of stress have also been demonstrated in hair. Psychological stress particularly inhibits the hair growth phase, reducing your follicle’s ability to regrow and as a result leading to thinning hair.

Stress has also been linked to hair greying due to the depletion of pigment-producing stem cells that can be caused by things like sleep deprivation.

Thankfully, we’ve got something to help you through Stress Awareness Month!

It’s not all bad news. The impact stress can have on our skin only adds weight to the importance of a good skincare routine – just in case you needed any more reasons to prioritise! We are proud to partner with ZO Skin Health to offer our patients only the very best in skincare solutions.

When it comes to stress, your skin saviour has to be the Complexion Clarifying Serum.

stress awareness month

How can the ZO Complexion Clarifying Serum help my stressed-out skin?

A water-based serum engineered with ZO® sebum-targeting science, the Complexion Clarifying Serum is clinically proven to reduce surface oil, congestion and visible redness – all typical signs of stressed skin!

The regular use of this amazing serum offers continually clear, re-hydrated skin and a balanced complexion. This foundational skin staple is formulated for a range of skin types too, particularly well-suited to combination, oily + blemish-prone skin.

And you don’t need to wait long to see ZO’s amazing capabilities.

The Complexion Clarifyer is proven to decongest skin and reduce unwanted shine in just 2 weeks, so you can get on top of the stress before it gets on top of you. Simply apply to skin morning and night, it’s as easy as that.

Why choose NG Skin and Aesthetics to support you in Stress Awareness Month?

We are passionate about ZO Skin Health and last year even travelled to the ZO Conference 2023, meeting Dr Obagi personally. Spending some quality time with the incredible brains behind the brand left us with a complete knowledge base of exactly what the skin needs, and when.


If you’re feeling stressed with life lately, give your skin the chance to shine still with the ZO Complexion Clarifying Serum.

Plus, coming into clinic and dedicating some time to you will give you the exact de-stressing effects and oxytocin boost you need to fight back against other stress symptoms too like hair loss. An all-round win for Stress Awareness Month!

Book an appointment with one of our amazing team here.

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