Forever Young BBL Treatment

Broadband Light Therapy here at NG Skin Clinic Market Harborough

Beautiful Skin from Head to Toe

Why We Love Forever Young BBL

Forever Young is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage and effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

During your treatment at NG Skin Clinic, you should feel minimal to no discomfort —as your provider gently glides the BBL® handpiece across the skin.

Simultaneously, a sapphire on the end of its applicator will keep the skin cool and comfortable. After the treatment, most patients will continue to feel warm for an additional 30 to 60 minutes.

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For skin rejuvenation, Forever Young removes age spots, freckles, redness, small vessels and more. Forever Young BBL can also be used to reduce unwanted hair and control active acne.

Before / After


When will I see results?

This can vary, depending on the individual, on the area being treated, and on the settings used. However, most patients see results in 2-4 weeks.

How many sessions should I have?

You will see results from a single treatment; however, the number of treatments will depend on the severity of your pigmentation. A typical patient requires 2 treatments.

How long is the treatment?

2-10 Minutes Treatment Time

Will it hurt?

Patients can expect minimal to no discomfort as the provider gently glides the BBL HERO hand piece over the skin.

For more information on BBL HERO Laser, call 01858 288242 to book a skin consultation or click here to contact NG Skin Clinic.