Sciton Broadband Light Therapy Treatment

BroadBand Light (BBL) is the World’s Most Powerful IPL Device

The Solution for Your Top Skin Concerns: Pigmentation, Photo Damage, Acne, Redness & More

Why We Love Sciton BBL HERO

At NG Skin Clinic Market Harborough, we are pleased to offer Broadband Light Therapy performing better than ever before.

This award-winning treatment improves the appearance of aging skin and reduces rosacea, acne, melasma, and sun spots comfortably and with little to no downtime. 

BBL HERO output is 4 times the speed, 3 times the peak power, and twice as cooling as earlier BBL models, making it quicker than ever to treat large areas with lasting, results-driven outcomes.

The result is clearer, smoother, and younger appearing skin.

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BBL HERO offers a range of different treatments to solve all of your skin’s needs.

What does Sciton BBL® HERO™ treatment do?

The light therapy technique harnessed in this cutting-edge device is popular for addressing skin issues like:

• Hyperpigmentation
• Sundamage
• Freckles
• Redness
• Age spots
• Redness
• Dull-looking skin

The device also helps to reduce the redness associated with rosacea, and can help control active acne and the visible signs left from acne breakouts.

How BBL Hero Works

BBL HERO stands for BroadBand light (BBL®) high energy rapid output (HERO).

BroadBand® light, a type of IPL (intense pulsed light) device, differs from traditional lasers: lasers use a narrowly focused wavelength on the light spectrum, however, BBL uses a broad spectrum of light, to allow numerous wavelengths to enter the skin simultaneously.

Not all IPL devices are the same, BBL’s innovations take this treatment to an entirely new level, to help trigger a skin healing response for collagen and elastin production, as well as improve many of the visible signs of aging.

Before / After


What to expect?

You should feel minimal to no discomfort during treatment as your aesthetician gently glides the BBL HERO handpiece across the skin. Simultaneously, a sapphire on the end of the applicator’s device will keep the skin cool and comfortable. After treatment, most patients will continue to feel warm for an additional 30 to 60 minutes.

When will I see results?

This can vary, depending on the individual, on the area being treated, and on the settings used. However, most patients see results in 2-4 weeks.

How many sessions should I have?

You will see results from a single treatment; however, the number of treatments will depend on the severity of your pigmentation. A typical patient requires 2 treatments.

How long is the treatment?

2-10 Minutes Treatment Time

Will it hurt?

Patients can expect minimal to no discomfort as the provider gently glides the BBL HERO hand piece over the skin.

For more information on BBL HERO Laser, call 01858 288242 to book a skin consultation or click here to contact NG Skin Clinic.